Right so I’m a uni student and work part time in retail. It’s a fairly lowkey area but it’s busy enough. I have this one customer who is a female and probably about 45 years old that comes in regularly and is extremely attractive. She’s very friendly, however today when I was serving her, she kept looking up at me and smiling.

When she was leaving and got to the door, she stopped, turned her head and just looked at me and smiled. We locked eyes, I smiled back and I just got this instant shock throughout my body. Proceeded to get a half chub for the next 10 minutes and just have this weird butterfly/ nervous feeling and it’s been about an hour since then.

I have had my fair share of girls throughout uni, but nothing compares to that initial shock or whatever it was that occurred about an hour ago. Can anyone relate or explain? Genuinely curious because my hormones are through the roof right now.

  1. The old Sicilian guys I know would call that the Thunderbolt. You saw someone so beautiful and entrancing that your body straight up kicked into fight or flight lol.

  2. So try to make conversation with her and get her number. If she willingly gives you her number she’s probably into you

  3. Alright this is probably a whole different situation but when people look around the room and i do it as well, we make eye contact and see who looks away first, could just be my city or im around a bunch of murderers.

  4. Is this the r/askmen sub, or is it the letters to Penthouse?


    Get this shit out of here.

  5. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT ignore this. This is the kind of thing that if you don’t follow up, you’ll think about it 50 years later and wonder “what if?”


    The most painful words in the language are “I could have…,” and most of your regrets later come from what you DIDN’T do, not what you did. Not that I know anything about this personally or anything…just what I’ve heard.

  6. Oh hell yea buddy I love that feeling. Like electricity from another person. It’s not only through visual contact either. I could digress on this subject excessively, gonna skip that though. Tons of eye contact and tons of smiles is **really** good. That’s what my wife did on our first date until I could figure it out and kiss her. The spark you felt is probably mutual and great sign either way. Closest I came was a lady telling me I had some REALLY NICE BROCCOLI and I regret not straight up asking for her number that day.

  7. Ain’t no better way to celebrate the holiday’s than with a heaping platter of MILF and Cookies. Chopper, Sic Coochie!

  8. Yeah, this is intense. About a year back, i became friends with a woman whos 45, im 30 because i thought she wanted me, and she was insanely attractive. Fit every single one of my “preference boxes”. Older woman, fit, petite, confident, smart, beautiful etc etc. Aaaaand it turns out she was looking for a poly relationship. Lucky for me, she told me this *before* anything happened, so i noped my way out. Being mature, she took this with a smile and giggled “well, i had to try”. We have coffee now and then to this day, as she is delightful to talk too, but i lost all attraction as im as mono as they come

  9. I call that “chemistry”, if you’re both available and personalities mesh after some conversation, there might really be something there! Of course the “zing” isn’t magic and sometimes after you both open your mouths it may be less your thing, just don’t try to force it, is my advice.

  10. When I got the butterfly feeling, I usually end up sleeping with the person I got it in response to… If I was you I’d ask her out

  11. That’s sexual tension right there. I think she might be interested/attracted to you, because that last glance was definitely not an accident 😉

  12. I NEED an update on this situation. This is better then a Christmas hallmark movie lmao

  13. Imagine you haven’t eaten in a week, and a perfectly cooked 28oz porterhouse is put in front of you.

    She hasn’t eaten in a week. You’re the porterhouse.

    Cougars are fucking wild, and will teach you *a lot*.


  14. That’s that beautiful sexual chemistry. Yall both feel it, act on it. Enjoy the anticipation.

  15. That, young man, is a woman. In the olden days that look meant something like DTF. If you’re interested, ask her out for a drink (alcohol if your old enough) it might change your life.

  16. Dude, you should have asked her out. This is what women call, “the zing” or “love at first sight” etc. Its an extreme response to attraction and eye contact. Your oxytocin and test levels likely went off the charts for a little while.

  17. There’s some hormone that gets released. It’s not the same one that gets released with dogs. I read about it somewhere.

  18. In my experience, when a female locks eyes with me it’s either to describe me to HR or identify me in a line up. Can’t help you here.

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