Can someone help me understand the logic behind my ex boyfriends actions ? ( 22 , male )He cheated on me all the time online with Can someone help me understand the logic behind my ex boyfriends actions ? He cheated on me all the time online with multiple girls, who he tried to meet with, who looked nothing like me , messaged his ex, and never told me anything. I had to play FBI to find this all out. And yet, he still wants me back, after all this. I gave him once chance before, and he done it again. He is still insistent I am the one, he is going to fight for me, show me is is going to change and not give up. I’m so confused and this makes no sense. All of his friends said I was out of his league: and I was. Was me being a loyal, caring girlfriend not enough.


Is my ex genuine ? Does he actually want me back or will he never shop cheating

  1. He doesn’t want you back, you’re his safety net so that he’s never really alone. He will never stop because he keeps taking you back, don’t give him another chance.

  2. The question is why would you even spend a second thinking about him or worse yet take him back

  3. Because a kid might not want to play with his toy truck but he doesn’t want anyone else to play with it because then he can’t play with the truck when he feels like it.

  4. No he is just wildly insecure and trying to latch back on to you. Don’t take him back and cut contact. How long have you been apart? What has changed about him as a person? The answer is not long enough and nothing. You deserve to be with someone who you can trust and respect. It isn’t this guy and don’t let him waste more of your time.

  5. Block his ass. WTF?

    He’s targeting you cuz you seem to have no self respect. He wants a doormat as a GF that he can cheat on endlessly and won’t ever leave. win win for him

  6. If you want to be with a cheater just so you get those moments of him being nice and treating you well after he cheats, go ahead and get back together.

    OR you could hold out for someone who is nice all the time and treats you well all the time and *doesn’t cheat.*

  7. Cause he’s a douche bag. No, you being a caring and loving girlfriend was not enough. Why? Cause he’s a douche bag.

    Stop worrying about him and his ridiculous claims of fighting for you.

    Go live your life without worrying about what he wants.

  8. The most common mistake made is thinking your going to change someone. Just because he craves a relationship with you changes nothing. The decision is yours.

  9. He wants you back because apparently you will put up with his behaviour you clown 🤡. Your an easy mark who will keep giving him chances and falling for his “ I will change” BS.

  10. Is this even a question girl?

    He wouldn’t be genuine while he was with you. What makes you think he’s finally being super honest 100% genuine now?

    > He is still insistent I am the one, he is going to fight for me, show me is is going to change and not give up. I’m so confused and this makes no sense.

    Talk talk talk. It makes perfect sense: **He is lying to you. It’s what he does.**

    If you get back with him then you’re basically choosing to get cheated on. Have some self respect.

  11. WHY haven’t you blocked this fool?

    No, he’s not genuine.

    Stop wasting your time, you’re letting him live in your head rent free.

  12. You are 21 years old. You have the rest of your life to meet people and get some life experience. This is some great experience for you. You learned that there are shitty people. Please do yourself a favor and ignore this guy. There are millions of other guys out there. Go find someone who is worth it for you.

  13. He’s horny and he knows you’ll fall for the “I’ve changed!!” shtick.

    So no, he’s NOT genuine. Block and move on.

  14. Because he’s selfish. He doesn’t care that you feel like shit as long as he gets to have his fun. Sex with you, sex with others. It’s also entirely possible that he has bonded with you emotionally. That doesn’t mean you should go back to him, there’s a reason we talk about toxic love. People can be absolute scumbags (e.g. jealous, possessive, abusive cheaters) yet still be in love with the person they keep hurting. That’s why it can be difficult to leave them, especially when they lovebomb you after realizing things went too far.

    I think it’s time for you to be selfish and look to your own interests. He had his chance, now tell him goodbye.

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