Men, how long did it take you to stop being nervous/shy around the woman you fell in love with?

  1. I don’t know. Just a theory here: If a woman still makes you a good nervous after years of being together, she might just be the right one. I’ve been with my wife 22 years. Sometimes she gives me those, “I need you to fuck me” eyes and it still makes me nervous.

  2. I never was… we were friends briefly and I was clueless that she had eyes for me. Then she made the move and it became dating….

  3. I was extremely nervous around my current GF until we kissed, then I chilled out completely.

  4. First wife I was very nervous until probably the third date. After that marriage I stopped feeling nervous in general around women

  5. So far it always happened pretty fast for me, why should I still be nervous being around someone who loves me for who I am? There’s no reason to court or put on a facade.

    Of course I would still be nervous on special occasions (valentines day surprise for example) but this has been the exception.

  6. How can you fall in love with someone you aren’t in a relationship with?

    Sure you might have a crush but fall in love? You don’t know who she really is until you’re in a relationship, you’re just falling in love with whatever image of her you have in your head.

    If you’re in a relationship how can you be nervous/shy around her anymore?

  7. I was never nervous around her because she was in a relationship when we met, so I only approached her as a friend. We started out 100% platonic. That’s probably what made it so easy for us down the road when we got together after their break-up

  8. after the first time she told me what a great mood she’s been in all day cuz i “fucked her real good”.

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