I’m 29, 30 next year and every time someone asks how old i am they are shocked and say I look 23. I’m also somewhat quiet although not unconfident, just not outwardly authoritative.

I work hard in my career and I’m always told I’ve got lots of potential, however this to me seems as if I’m not quite there. I think if I looked my age and was slightly louder, I’d be seen as clear management material, rather than someone who needs a couple more years experience. When I’m put into difficult situations I handle them well but I always feel like I’m protected more than I possibly should be?

I’ve read online that being young looking can impede your career because people subconsciously don’t see you as an authoritative figure and think you are inexperienced. I’m also fairly attractive looking and in a technical field so I think people might also underestimate my technical knowledge and ability as well, if they assume an IT nerd should look like a nerd.

I’m aware some people may think moaning about being young and attractive looking is a humble brag or whatever but I do think it has held me back, I don’t seem as masculine as other men my age and I’m perennially thought of as a young lad with potential. I’ve also noticed younger women are more attracted to me than women my own age because I look like a youngster.

Any tips to appearing older and not be held back/protected/untrusted because of this?

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