Been on a few dates now with two people. They keep agreeing to more dates, seem interested in-person and we have great convos when we actually meet, and with the one I’ve been seeing a bit longer, have even started seeing some gradual progress in hitting some common dating milestones (little things, and slowly, but some progress nonetheless).

My concern I guess is here; I feel like I’m doing everything. I’m the always the one to propose seeing each other again, deciding what to do, figuring out when, and for the most part, the one initiating all text conversation. It makes me wonder if neither of these people are really all that into me? Which leaves me wondering, why do they keep agreeing to see me if they weren’t? Do they *actually* like me, or am I just alright and something to do on a given night?

For how long is this normal? At what point do you start getting concerned about a lack of mutual expressions of interest? Is this just my anxiety showing? Help 😂

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