What do you look for most in a women?

  1. If she can cook.

    I can’t cook for shit so I look for someone who can cook. I can clean as many dishes that she uses for cooking without a single problem.

  2. Compassion, intelligence, taking care of appearance and in this expensive day and age, income potential.

  3. First and foremost, being an actual woman.

    From there, I’m not overly picky. I don’t care if they want to work or stay at home, provided they want to contribute to the eventual shared household. I don’t care if she can’t cook, but is willing to learn or take up duties that I’m crap at. I don’t care if we have different ideas and beliefs, so long as she doesn’t make them her whole personality and is willing to be tolerant and/or compromise along with me.

    Personality wise, someone with kindness, compassion, affectionate, and appreciative.

  4. Just a compassionate, loving, ray of sunshine kind of girl who wants to grow together rather than focusing on individual goals.
    Also if she wears nose ring or septum that’s just icing on the cake thing.

  5. I’ve yet to open one for inspection, but if I do, and it’s for something specific, I’ll let you know

  6. Kindness/caring, loyalty, good sense of humor, and of course at least reasonably physically attractive to me.

  7. Not being a judgmental person and acceptance of other ideas that you don’t necessarily agree with. I think when you have this mentally, it tells a lot about a person and they are generally very mature. I hate it when anyone takes their opinion as fact and doesn’t respect the ideas of others.

  8. How often she stays true to her words. In other words, if she says she will do something, how often she actually follows through. Other than that, sense of humour.

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