I just had my period so I know it’s not that. He was kind of rough but it felt good, not necessarily painful. I’ve never had sex but i don’t know if it’s too late to be my hymen tearing or if it’s something else. It feels really sensitive now (it’s been a few hours). Should i go to a gynaecologist or is this normal

  1. > I just had my period

    It’s also normal for stuff to take awhile to get out. Tears can happen during rough sex, so possibly bring some lube in just in case.

  2. You’ll be okay!!! Little tears can happen easily during fingering and sex, usually nothing to worry about. I get tears sometimes (or it could also be residual period blood, that can happen even days after ending your period), and it can be a lil painful for like an hour or so after but usually is all good after that. Use lube if it’s a recurring issue!

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