What is you max bench press, squat, & deadlift (in lbs)?

  1. Bench currently 180

    Squat currently 225

    Deadlift currently 215

    They’ll be going up soon hopefully

  2. Bench 155

    Squat 285

    Deadlift 225

    I don’t really deadlift. Or bench. My legs on the other hand… I tend to focus on aesthetics and tone more than anything. I can however do 15 deadhang pull-ups which I’m very proud of

  3. Deadlift- 40- 20 pound weight in each hand. I couldn’t do very many at this weight

    Squat- 30 (as in holding a 15 pound weight in each hand) at most depending on the type of squat.

    Bench press- not sure, that would probably be my highest number.

    I can’t do a push-up or pull-up. I don’t have upper body strength or balance. I can run pretty far at a decent pace. I have stronger lower body and am very flexible.

  4. 142.5, 265, 350 respectively.

    I also managed a 102.5lb overhead press that I’m sure I’ll never be able to replicate 😮‍💨

  5. All pretty low, just picked up lifting again after years away from it.

    Bench: 95lb

    Squat: 135lb

    Deadlift: 165lb

  6. Of all time?

    I don’t benchpress so IDK.

    Backsquat: 205 lbs

    Deadlift: 300 lbs

    And bonus, my favourite lift, the clean and jerk: 170 lbs

  7. I’m terrible at bench, so I’ll guess my PR is maybe #110?

    Back Squat: 265#

    Deadlift: 315#

    My fav – push press: 160#

    Unfortunately this was a few years ago. 😕

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