How do you stay positive in life knowing your career is at a standstill or with the feeling you are not good enough?

  1. Keep moving, keep doing something. So long as your still moving forward in life you got this.

  2. I’m in my 40’s and in a dead-end career. I’m going back to school to get my bachelor’s, with the plan to go for a graduate degree after that. School work keeps me busy and feeling accomplished. I’m maintaining a 4.0 GPA, which feels nice. I also do volunteer work.

    On the other hand I still have strong feelings of not being good enough. That’s just something I have to work on though. I know it’s irrational.

  3. As a sometimes welder, knowing your worth and value is key to perseverance


    If you’re welding at $24 an hour skill level, you shouldn’t be welding for $16 an hour. No matter “how nice” they claim to treat you, if you died today, next week the will be interviewing people. Then 3 weeks late your replacement will be training in your area.

    I heard yesterday that when we get lost in our jobs/careers, we’ve lost touch with out inner child. So, weld art.

    If you don’t think you’re good enough, *get good scrub*. You’re gonna fuck up a few times on the way to perfection

  4. I find that when I’m in a hole, the very effort of climbing out helps a little.

    I was pretty dissatisfied with my job over the past year–I seemed to have hit a growth ceiling, despite being overqualified and performing duties way above and beyond my job description. Job hunts are disheartening, and can wreck your self esteem, but you know what would’ve been worse? Doing nothing at all to improve my situation.

    It took over a year of getting nothing back but crickets and robo-rejections, but as of two weeks ago, a recruiter reached out to me, and they hit my asking price. I’ll be changing jobs very soon now.

  5. Imposter syndrome is a real thing and talking to someone can help you realize that you are just being hard on yourself for no reason.

    People change careers and jobs all the time. If you find that work is stagnant, look at going somewhere else that is a better fit for you or pays more. You don’t owe anything to any company

  6. If your career isn’t working out for you or doesn’t feel right, take steps to get out of it, save money, put together a plan, and execute. If you don’t know what that “next step” is, say yes to all opportunities until something clicks.

    I’m currently at this stage and hate my career but I am quite content and happy because I found out the next career path and working towards that goal. My happiness is through the freakin roof now due to the excitement of the challenge and jumping into something new.

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