Water bottle being any container you dedicate solely to drinking water. The cup you leave on your nightstand, the water bottle you tucked between couch cushions, or the trusty metal canteen that goes everywhere with you. Do you wash it every time you use it or only every so often?

  1. I’m embarrassed to say how little I wash my water bottle lol. I just keep refilling it throughout the day everyday. I think I put it in the dishwasher once a week though and get a new one.

  2. Oh I’m a nerd then. Every time, but I just fill shake and dry… So a rinse every time… Soap every 4 days or so

  3. Every 24 hours I put my water glass in the dishwasher and get a new one. I drink it out of a big glass, like a pint glass

  4. Every day only because I put lemon and cucumber slices in it. Sometimes I go every other day but not usually

  5. Umm once a week maybe. Sometimes longer. Basically until the ring of lip gloss around the top is thick enough to annoy me.

  6. Mine are just reused store bought single bottles of water so never. I get groosed out and buy myself a new Life Water, with the best artwork on the display.

  7. I use a reusable hard plastic bottle. I aim to wash it once a week… but in reality I sometimes put it off until I notice a funky smell or residue in the bottle 😬

  8. Everyday especially cups w/o lids. You never know what might have crawled in & out of it.

  9. I actually don’t have one and don’t keep a glass by my bed, is that weird?

  10. Once a day, at least, for my water cup (I work from home). My cats prefer my cup of water over their bowls and they both drink by dunking their paw in and licking the water off their paws. So once a day and whenever I catch them.

    For portable water bottle, at the end of the day.

  11. I never buy one that I can’t put in the dishwasher. I’ve got a couple large ones I use daily that I switch through during the week and throw the others in the dishwasher.

  12. Cups – fairly often, as much as other dishes I think. As for the gym bottle, less than I should but I rinse it every now and then.

  13. Once a week now. I set a reminder because I’m guilty of not washing it frequently in the past.

  14. Every single morning it goes downstairs with me and straight into the sink.

    We have super hard water so it gets mineral deposits settling at the bottom and it’s gross.

  15. My bottle is a big metal 32oz jug. I wash the actual bottle part once a week and wash the lid/straw every other day unless someone in the house is sick then I wash it every day sometimes twice a day.

  16. Never 🤣😅 I use a brita water bottle so I try to justify it by knowing it’s filtered 😭

  17. I have had my current water bottle for like 5 months and only washed it once. It looks and smells fine so I don’t really care

  18. Oof. Once every few months? I just washed mine yesterday because I saw some orange stuff in the cap. 🥴

  19. Weird cause I just washed mine today but really I wash it like maybe 4-6 times/year….kind of gross maybe, but yea when it starts to look or smell off. I drink/refill it multiple times per day so that’s kind of like rinsing it.

  20. My boyfriend only washes his when I point out the MOLD on the seal. Maybe once every 4 months 🤮

  21. Wash my water bottle every two uses. Because bacteria build up around the area you drink. That can cause strep throat. I also alternate water bottles. I have 3 same bottles in different colors. Lol My water cup by my nightstand – I change it every day. I don’t use metal canteens, because I can’t stand the metal touching my teeth and hearing the vibrations nope nope.

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