A little over a week ago my gf(16f) broke up with me(16m) over text and it absolutely devastated me and it still does and is effecting practically every aspect of my life. She said she wanted to still be friends and has messaged me once pretty much every day, she doesn’t really talk to me in person but we haven’t really had a chance. I know it’s not a good idea to message her first, but is it okay if I message her back and continue the conversation with her? She said she just wants to be friends but I still want to be in a relationship with her and sometimes I feel like she doesn’t love or care about me at all anymore but I still love her. What do I do?

1 comment
  1. Heal. Ask for space. You need to adjust your expectations for your future. You thought she would be a part of it in the way she had been up to the breakup. Maybe she still can be a part of your life but not as your girlfriend, at least not yet if at all. Maybe one day you can be just friends with her. Maybe she can be a friend you share benefits with during times you and she are both single and in need. Life ebbs and flows. Keep that in mind. Discuss boundaries, expectations, and commitments. What can you two be and under what conditions?

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