Last month I was with girl on bike in another city. We had nice time all day. So we stay there for night.
And we ended In one bed watching films..
She was laying next to me. I started to gently scratch her on her back. She liked it and push her self closer to me. Ive got erection….I belive she knew about it.
Film ends and I asked her to stay..She was thinking about it I saw it on her eyes. Couple of minutes she went to her bed and put head under blanked. I didnt see her :D.

next mornig we acted like nothing happend. We said goodbye and went home.

Than I wanted to see her again. So we agreed on weekend at her place. Few days before it. I dont know really what happend. She texted me…. That she want to stop with this. I was really surprised.
She said she feels very good with me. She likes to talk with me, she admires how calm and patient I am. But missing some feeling.
Funny thing is..last days I was in her city. I texted her that Im there if she want to meet. We met and ended at her place…She asked do we order pizza or we can cook something. So we cook… I asked what did it mean last time….She said..that distance is not problem and that she would stay with me in bed last time…because shes missing intimacy also she went to relationship when she wanted and she doesnt want to by someones mattress.

So Im confused right now. You will not lay or take just “some friend” to your place.. The girl is really nice. I enjoy her and she enjoy me. She gave me cookie when I was leaving.
We are still talking like nothing really happened. I dont know if I did anything wrong? Or she doesnt know what shes looking for? We are both at same age (29). In previous relationships she had that feeling. But they ended….
When I was leaving I hugged her and said to her that I want her. She hugged me tighter and started to cry…

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