When i touch myself i feel like nothing. I do know i get horny (but that also dosent happen often) And around my age i should be feeling something. i get that “feeling” and then when i touch myself it just dosent feel right. I dont feel guilty about touching myself so i dont understand why i feel this way. I need help. Because all my friends are like “its the best feeling” and this that and the next. I dont feel like i HAVE to do it but i also want that feeling like everyone eles. I feel left out

Asking for a friend

1 comment
  1. First off, this conversation is best had with your doctor. This is a medical issue so take **everything** you hear with for what it is, some rando on the internet saying things they don’t have the full picture about.

    What could be going on here? Well, guilt to me screams of social abuse in how you were raised. I personally came from a very sex-negative household as a child, and that has baked so much guilt into my sexual being that I know is never going away. No idea how this relates to your own personal guilt, but I just wanted to share that you aren’t alone.

    As for not feeling anything? I’ve met lots of people who experience a spectrum of responses to masturnation. Everything from “omg best thing ever” to “meh, it’s like scratching an itch, it’s annoying”. I cannot tell you where on that you fit, but I would suggest reading up on asexuality and seeing where that takes you.

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