I’ve just finished working off shore for the winter, don’t start again till next May and want something chilled and not full time. What are the rates of pay? and how much time a day do you spend doing it? Tia

  1. I tried to apply. They sent me a bunch of uniform but then they keep telling me there are too many drivers/ riders in my area and I’m not needed for the foreseeable.

    Why did you send me the uniform then?

  2. Take a look at the BBC News website today; they have a feature on food delivery couriers and what they earn…Deliveroo came well below the Living Wage as they don’t pay per hour, but per delivery. There was another company, can’t recall name, but it paid a regular £10 an hour, however many deliveries – that sounds like a better deal.

  3. If you’re in London, I’d recommend [https://pedalme.co.uk/](https://Pedalme.app) instead. They pay a regular hourly wage (London Living Wage + commission), annual bonus, pension, annual leave/holiday pay, mobile phone provided, sick pay, maternity/paternity pay, e-bike is provided, etc.

  4. Amazing but I nearly got killed by cars and sometimes earned £4 an hour. So it was not amazing at all.

  5. Presumably they encourage you to be as much of a bell end as possible when cycling

  6. likely better off with ubereats. i found deliveroo was late to the market and its more filling in spots where they could.

    i did uber for a few month because why not get paid while im cycling anyways? you can flex between 5-20 an hour depending on fitness and time. peak lunchtime with a bit of luck? lots of double orders and hitting 20 mph averages for a few hours and its a nice top up.

    doing ti full time or as a actual income though? dont plan on it. its not designed for that and most of the complaints you see are from people who think they deserve to earn like 15 an hour consistanly for sitting on their phone in mcdonalds carpark for 80% of the night.

    people who do it usually dont like the other ppl who do it. fights happen, ppl get stressed over their imagined pay, people steal orders and you can be left fucked.

    longest i spent doing it was like 5 hours, ive never felt such a negative yet demanding vibe from people whos only job seems to be relying on people not walking to mcdonalds.

    try it during peak times and see what you think, but if you need work, dont stop looking about

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