I was a skinny asian dude around 120 lbs, 5’6. I noticed how my friends,family, even strangers/patients that I saw (I work at a PT clinic as an aide) lack respect for me in general. I feel like I was treated as a little kid despite being 22 (but people say I look like I’m 16-18).

I started really getting serious about going to the gym and gained so much mass in a year. I noticed people gave me much more respect and speak to me eye level instead of looking down on me. Got a bunch of compliments/hit on by girls as well.

How about y’all? What is your story

**EDIT: thank you for all of your stories. Read each and everyone, including the new ones. Please keep them coming, they are all so inspiring

**EDIT #2: to add on about my position. Learning how to go to the gym really got me understanding my job much better. I am more confident and feel like an extension of my PTs while I’m working with them individually (I just help with their exercises obviously). One of my proudest moments was working with a pediatric patient who was involved with a hit and run. He could barely walk and was scared when he first came in. Working with the patient individually under the PT’s supervision, glad I made a difference in that kids life. He even came back to hug me before he left on his last day and asked if I was going to miss him. I love my job, wouldn’t have made such an impact without the gym— looking forward to making a difference when I become a healthcare professional

  1. Not really much? I lost weight, got stronger, but nothing else really? I hate going to the gym.

  2. It’s all in your head and therefore your manifest it as being real.

    For me, my sleep has improved thanks to the gym.

  3. I worked out 3x per week for most of this year, then got Covid and haven’t worked out in about 3 months and I feel more depressed, anxious, sluggish in general. The gym definitely helped with mental health and energy levels and I’m now getting to the point where I can feel myself back as my previous gross-feeling self.

  4. The gym and the ambition to gain more muscle made me rethink my diet and sleep schedule, which in tern vastly improved my physical and mental well-being.

    After reaching a certain level, similar things as the ones you described occured. People treating me with more respect, people going out of their way not to get in my face (very welcome, since I’m generally opposed to violence).

    Girls liked it too and started handling me differently. The only bad thing about that is how horribly fat/overweight girls tend to fetishize buff guys. Super uncomfortable, lots of sexual assault and weird looks.

  5. * Stronger
    * Leaner
    * Probably healthier
    * Made friends
    * Met my wife

    I owe a lot to finally getting myself to the gym on a regular basis.

  6. Wife and I made it a dual goal. In one year, We’ve both lost close to 50lbs, strengthened marriage and our minds as well. I’m just now moving to muscle building and already seeing a difference. Feeling it too! Late 40’s here

  7. I was that skinny kid in elementary school and skinny fat most of highschool and college. I started working out when the pandemic started, it’s been 2 and a half+ years and its become a lifestyle for me, I can’t quit now. I’ve never looked for a lot of volume rather an athletic build and I feel that I have that now, I still have a long way to go but I am very proud of what I’ve achieved. I get what you are saying haha I started getting a lot more attention from girls for sure, way more, but it all comes down to confidence at the end of the day. Be consistent boys, we can all get there.

  8. the gym helped me realize I shouldn’t be at the gym

    got a hernia and the surgery cost $4000 with insurance

  9. I’m 5’3 and I know what you mean. It certainly did help me when I was working out a lot but I think it was more my mentality that changed. It’s easy to attribute every single bad thing with other people to being short when maybe they’re just assholes. I found that when I respected myself more is when I got more respect. Most days I forget I’m even short.

    I will say that 15 years of combat sports also got rid of the intimidation factor. Not saying I’m fucking IP man or anything, but I’ve brawled with guys much bigger than me and I’ve lost some and won some. It’s not necessarily that I’m not worried, but I know what I can do basically.

  10. It makes me feel better about myself. Not just my body, but the fact that I did something for myself and kept my discipline and worked out

    I don’t think it helped much with girls but to be honest I haven’t been out much since I started going

  11. First of all, way to go on your progress my bro. (Yeah I am a gym bro lol). Sorry for this long story but I have wanted to share. I started working out at 21, but at 25 I was in a life changing motorcycle wreck where I lost my right leg. Because I had been working out, I had the upper body strength to use crutches for the eight months it took to heal. (Even went hiking with them). And eventually to relearn to walk again using a prosthetic. I was eager to get back to working out because it made me feel like myself. I was doing pullups on equipment at the rehab center that I’d improvised and doing one legged squats. Lifting became a way to rebuild my life and show myself I was still alive. Now I hope
    to inspire people at the gym. I’m a one legged man in an ass kicking contest with life and if I am winning, so can you.

  12. More ways than you can count. The return on your investment of some time and energy to exercise is one of the best you can get out of life.

  13. Did some workouts at home. And stuff got easier to lift after a while. Like carrying laundry got really easy.

  14. I’m healthier and better looking, plus I get to see girls ware really tight and revealing outfits.

  15. I was super skinny when I was 17(only 60 kg). I’ve gained muscle(70 kg at 19) and confidence and was finally able to get dates/sex after 2 years of hitting gym.

  16. The gym makes me feel so much stronger and more confident. I feel like I’m able to do anything now. I was really small and weak as a child and made fun of for being skinny but now no one makes fun of me for my body, only my personality 😆

  17. Pretty simple, broader chest, flatter stomach and big arms/thighs can be attractive to girls and intimidating to others. I think psychologically they see you less as prey and less easy to be taken advantage of. Main benefit of the gym, I can lift heavy shit without my dad having to help, which is good since he’s getting older

  18. It’s given me an outlet for something to focus on. Also helps no longer being on any sports teams.

  19. Same, though I was a little older and badly out of shape. I design chemical plants. My entire day is spent sitting at a computer. I had scrawny arms, shoulders, chest, and legs, but was still fat in the middle.

    Having the appearance of someone who works out and takes care of their body definitely invokes a sense of respect from others. What so many people don’t realize though, is that it can really make you feel happier. All of the health benefits that come from exercise, plus those effects on your psyche are incalculable, but are worth far more than the appearance alone. Some of those social benefits you noticed may have actually been brought on by changes in your personality.

    My fitness level has gone up and down over the years and I’m currently 46 and just started trying to get back in shape (again) about 2 weeks ago. No visible changes yet. Just the soreness, lol.

  20. I’ve found a space I can lose myself in and just crank all the crap of the day away with each rep.
    It doesn’t suck to look pretty damn, spanking, good either!

  21. I remember at my lowest point I had started going to the gym after getting dumped and being laid off.

    I was overweight and could barely do 20 pushups or sit-ups. I started going on a daily basis and within a few months, I was doing 50 pushups in a minute and 60 sit-ups. With the right diet and good lighting, you could see some abs.

    Yes, I started feeling better and had better luck with women. But really I had confidence. My clothes fit better and I felt like I “belonged in the room.”

    You got some mass and muscle, but what you needed was confidence.

  22. I also went from skinny to medium and the difference is amazing. Both from women and men. People want you around, they want to hear your opinion.

  23. I’ve had the same experiences mostly. I’m a little bit taller than you, but I find people treating me like I’m much larger. I did balloon from about 150-175 tho. Men are mostly the ones complement my physique lol but I do catch women staring sometimes. I put on weight pretty well though and look heavier than my size but in a good way.

  24. I use the gym as an outlet for stress and for pent up emotions. Of course it has also helped me to become more physically fit. But mainly it has helped me keep my emotions under better control.

  25. Starting to go to the gym has taken my fitness up to the next level.

    Starting at nearly 270 lbs leading up to a nasty marriage separation I started with at home body weight exercises, HIIT, cardio, started running many miles. It was great therapy for my mental health through tough times. I got to the point where I was confident enough to start going to the gym. I am now 190 lbs at 5’11”, I go to the gym almost every day for functional and weight training fitness and life has never been better!

    There is just so much you can do at the gym and it is a total time warp for me, I blink and its been 2 hours.

  26. I have never really been out of shape so can’t necessarily compare with “before” even though I’m obviously bigger now than i was before. But I do notice that when I wear a tank top or something without sleeves so my arms are visible, i get a lot of compliments (mostly guys ofc) while when I wear a more oversized shirts/hoodies i don’t really get complimented on anything at all so it definitely does make a difference.

  27. Using the cardio machines until I feel like I’m gonna drop dead, and then using them a little bit more feels amazing tbh.

    I also feel proud of myself whenever my muscles feel sore from doing actual working out, but the cardio thing feels better to me lol.

  28. Honestly tasks are just a little less extenuating like that jar my homegirl needs help with. Stand back. About to blow the lid of this bad boy.

  29. Stabilized me. I still have serious depression, but it’s just easier to get up in the morning and function. I like being in my body. I like feeling it. It’s active. It can run fast for a pretty long while, and it’s very disciplined. I’m mad proud of it and of myself for sticking to it even when I could barely run 2 minutes.

  30. I was also skinny i put in the work did the sets and reps im 32 and in shape even 12 years after highschool not the same can be said from my classmates i get hit on by girls 18 and 21 i always have so much energy to do my hobbies harley riding hunting or fishing its the best

  31. Been going consistently for over a year and no one has changed how they interact with me. No one I know has mentioned it at all. Huge progress.

  32. Hey, I am 19 rn. I started out gym 3-4 months ago. Was and am a fat kid, but I personally feel that I am progressing. My stomach is not that “visible” while wearing t-shirts, I have got more strength and I feel a lot relaxed and at peace.
    Will let you guys know when I lose fat.

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