I’m fairly new to sex and am fortunate enough to have a wonderful and extremely attentive partner. He spends a lot of time trying to get me to finish and while I do get very close every time, it’s hard me to fully get there. I know that putting pressure on yourself to finish doesn’t help, so I’m trying not to do that, but I don’t know what else to do.

Is it just a matter of getting used to the level of stimulation? When I’m on my own, I can get myself to finish very easily every time. However, he does way more than I do on my own and I really enjoy it, but sometimes it almost feels like too much. Any tips?

1 comment
  1. >he does way more than I do on my own and I really enjoy it, but sometimes it almost feels like too much.

    Sounds like this is the issue. You might bring overstimulated.

    I don’t know what “way more than I do” might mean, but perhaps you should tell him to tone it down a bit, that’s it feels good, but you’re being overstimulated.

    Communication here is key. Hell, you might even considering having a night where you can show him what you do, and guide him on how you want things done to you. That sort of experience can be *very* sexy, too.

    Just keep trying, and be open and honest. I’m sure he’d love to know how to please you even better. Just talk to him about it.

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