Hello, let me preface this by stating that this is my first post on Reddit and I don’t even know if this is the right subreddit for it but anyway,

I (m) met this girl at an event. We spoke for a few hours then I had to leave. Before I did I was able to ask her for her Instagram. I follow, and she follows back, then around 24 hrs later, I send her a message saying it was great to talk to her and she responded with more or less the same. A few days later I go to view her insta story when it said “post unavailable” I try to go to her profile to view the post but it was all of a sudden a private page. As if I was never following before.

Did I do something wrong? Did I NOT do something? Can anyone explain what happened?

Also if this is in the wrong sub Reddit please let me know the correct one and I’ll post it over there

Thank you all!

  1. Sorry bud. They’re the ones with the poor social skills in this case. Just block em and move on.

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