She’s afraid of having sex, and of self-pleasure.
Painful UTI’s occur as a result, with alarming regularity and frequency.
She’s been to the doctor and the only answer they have is basic hygiene and cranberry pills. This can’t be the only answer, it’s not working.

Does anyone have information or resources to address this? It’s a super bummer.

  1. She needs to address this with a doctor. Occasional UTIs are somewhat normal for women. But chronic UTIs might indicate something else going on.

  2. Maybe she should look into probiotics. I know they made a difference down there for me because I had got my first UTI in college and I had to get on antibiotics. Then I kept having issues on and off until I took probiotics for a bit and they actually helped.

    Also, maybe go to the doctor yourself (if you haven’t) and see if they can check your urine for any harmful bacteria that could be contributing to her UTI? I’m not saying you’re dirty or don’t have good hygiene, but there’s a lot of exchange of bacteria and everything else during sex, so it never hurts to know

  3. She needs to talk to her doctor again.
    – recurrent uti can be due to a structural problem in her renal system, or more likely just bad luck (like many women)
    – so even when the doctor cant find a structural problem they could possibly prescribe her antibiotics that she takes after sex to prevent getting a UTI.

    furthermore, both of you taking a shower before
    Sex, and her always always always peeing straight after sex can decrease the chances of her getting a uti

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