I (30m) went on a handful of dates with a woman (30f) and things ended rather abruptly.

First date — went great, she invited me back to her place, we cuddled and watched baseball and Netflix while having margaritas.

Second date (one week after first date) — also went great, happy hour + pool, went back to her place. She tells me “it feels like I’ve known you my whole life.” Takes a couple’s picture of us and updates my contact photo to the picture of the two of us. I spend the night, she sleeps on my chest the whole night.

Day after the second date — she invites me over for dinner, we watch TV together and cuddle, she gets me a toothbrush head for her electric toothbrush and writes my name on it. I spend the night again.

Third date (two days after second date) — we go on a really nice hike, take pictures together, hold hands as we drive to lunch and eventually back into the city

Fourth date (two days after the third date) — we talk about things going really fast, how she wishes I would use more physical touch to show how much I like her, wanted to make sure I develop my own social life (I had just moved to the city; most of my friends and family were out of the state). We end up getting really drunk and the night ends with me walking her home, holding hands, kissing, etc. I can’t remember why but I had a really bad feeling about everything as I walked home.

She then invites me to her spin class (3 days after fourth date). The class is fun, we get coffee after, she updates my contact photo to a couple’s pic of us on our hike on the third date. We talk about getting lunch on Sunday. She drops me off at home, gives me a kiss.

The next day — in the morning, playful banter about our Friday night, no real serious conversation. Later that day, she texts me saying she had been thinking about it and while she had a lot of fun getting to know me, she doesn’t “think I see things going further romantically with us.” I simply responded with that while I was disappointed and surprised, I appreciated the honesty.

The whole thing went so fast and I’m pretty confused about it. I’m really into her and genuinely disappointed things ended. I’ve been in a couple multi-year relationships but none had the hot start this did. Things were going exceptionally fast but I just sort of embraced it.

Now, I’m wondering what happened and what should I do next? The leading theory amongst my friends and I is that there was another guy in the picture (and there is some evidence to support that). If that’s the case, the game is the game and I can live with that. I’ve been on both sides before. I kinda want to know the reason but I also know it’s unlikely the reason will make me feel better or change the situation. Ultimately, I hope she reaches out to me again but I would assume that would be some time from now (if ever).

As of now, I’ve been scrolling this subreddit looking for similar stories. It seems like there are but the end results vary greatly. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


TL;DR — Really hit it off with a girl and she pulled the plug very abruptly

  1. Sounds to me, she was on a break from another guy, he seen the photos (sounds like many), gets jealous and begs her back.

    Out of curiosity, if yall didn’t have sex.. was it her decision? That would pretty much sum up my theory.

    My law & order marathon has me thinking crazy bc you didn’t hear her voice, only a text…

  2. Just let it go. You can do nothing wrong and people can still find you incompatible. You don’t need to change or fix anything and the real why’s of the situation aren’t truly important. Find the next girl.

  3. It could be that she was using you to get over someone else, to try to fill the void, but ultimately that didn’t work. Some people jump into relationships with both feet with a “fake it til you make it” attitude, almost forcing the relationship into overdrive. Anyone who does those over the top couple-type things when you can still count the number of dates you’ve had on one hand is suspect. Those relationships tend to crash and burn, as you’ve seen.

  4. You got love bombed by someone who was ultimately emotionally unavailable, despite doing a good job in the beginning of masking it.

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