so i (18F) have never been in a relationship before, never had sex before and i’ve never been intimate with anyone. obviously i want to have sex but i’m scared tbh, i guess i’m just worried about being completely naked with someone else (body insecurity) and what if i do or say something wrong?
how do i become not afraid of sex?

  1. The more time you spend with someone, the more comfortable you’ll be getting naked with them for the first time. If you’re really into each other, it won’t be a problem. Not sure if you have someone, but if not, work on finding someone to get comfortable with rather than a hookup perhaps.

  2. You’ll know when you’re ready, and you’re obviously not. When you meet someone you’re comfortable with and sexually attracted to, you won’t be so scared. I had the same fear until I met my boyfriend. I was insecure about being completely naked but a guy who’s worth it will be okay with you keeping some clothes on. It took me a couple weeks to get fully naked with my bf but he was patient and loving and encouraging.

    You’ll be fine. Don’t rush

  3. If you’re not actually ready (which you’ve kind of just said), then its cool to not open that door.

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