What do your intrusive thoughts look like?

  1. Mostly something bad or death happening to a loved one. I can almost see it vividly. Also when driving I get the thoughts like “run into that lake” or something. I wish I could see the faces I make when I think that stuff.

  2. If I experience mild pain or feel some abnormality in my body, my intrusive thoughts assure me that death is nigh and I am that special person with XYZ rare disease

  3. Everything. It can be all the usual bad stuff. Or the real bad stuff. The real kicker is the good stuff that turns bad. Then everything is bad.

  4. Why am I *still* trying?

    I’m never going to be good enough

    I ruined my life

    How can I expect anyone to love me if I don’t even like myself?

    Where’s my gun?

    I want to drink

    I’m lonely and nobody even cares

  5. Mostly things like, I should swerve into that car, wonder what would happen if I pushed that person over the railing, I want to push that cup of soda my husband is drinking all over his face.

  6. It’s usually when I’m driving like “what if I speed up and jam into the semi” or “what if I drive off the freeway.”

  7. Why do hardly any of my “friends” check in on me to see how I’m doing after I relocated somewhere else? Am I not an easy person to be friends with? Is it me who’s not being a good friend?

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