I’m 18. We’re close. He was my English teacher, confidante and family friend. I might’ve had a crush on him before. We did it once, no intention of stopping although now I’m a bit hesitant after he said he wants to do it with me even if we’re in our own individual relationships. He always teases me about him sleeping with someone else to try to see my reaction, I used to get really jealous but now I’m like ‘meh.’ But seriously what the hell is going on? Support/Advice needed. D, me for more info on this.

  1. Sounds like he’s taking advantage of you. I’d be very careful and ideally cut him off.

    Stay safe.

    Edited to remove poor English.

  2. He 100% has been planning this and is more intellectually advanced than you are. He’s playing psychological games gauging your interest by your reactions. What grown man plays mind games with an 18 yo to see if you get jealous. The fact he’s known you since well before 18 makes me want to throw up, and physically harm him, being I’m a father. Please, know your self worth.
    There are plenty of horny 18-20yo guys who would love to have a relationship with you. Dont cheat yourself of that experience.
    This man is a predator and thinks you are easy prey whether you think so or not.
    Tell him you want to speak with someone about your relationship and gauge his reaction…he knows better 100%. Reminds me of Dr’s touching patients when unconscious. Complete violation of teacher/student rule book. I can see how that might contribute to the taboo but if you taught a boy since 13, and then slept with him, you should feel like a predator.
    Just my 2 pennies. Good luck finding other people that make you feel special!

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