What is your most horrible experience meeting your girlfriend’s father?

  1. Meet me at the door with a shotgun. I laughed thinking it was a joke… He assured me it wasn’t.

  2. Maybe not horrible but hilarious. First time meeting ex’s dad and he was the wannabe macho type dude telling me how he wasn’t going to tolerate any punk “ using his daughter” and that if I thought I was going to get “ lucky “ with her, to “ think twice”. This was all fifteen minutes after I creampied her in the back of my car. How can parents be that oblivious?

  3. I met him as a “friend,” because her parents are racist dinosaurs and would never accept their daughter dating a non Chinese. The fakeness of the interaction and knowledge that I would NEVER be accepted into their family or date their daughter long term has always irritated me.

  4. To this day I still don’t know why I acted the way I did. I was about 17 and was picking up a girl for a movie date. I walked in the house and was left in the living room with dad. I’ve met a few dads at this point so, I wasn’t nervous and I was raised to speak when you enter someone’s home. You shake hands with the man of the house. Smile, eye contact, all that yeah? I didn’t even acknowledge that man’s presence. I just sat down on his couch. He berated me for the way I came into his home and I felt instant shame. I started stuttering. Looked like a total clown. I have no clue wtf came over me.

  5. Found out he was a former cop who once shot a black man several times in the back.

  6. Met him three days before the wedding and thought he was a moron.thank god he lived 1200 miles away lol

  7. Interesting how most of the comments are about guns and violence.

    My worst experience was I was getting out of the Army and this female ROTC cadet about my age and I were dating because she thought her getting in and me getting out of the same place (the Army) meant we’re at the same stage in life (uh no that did not work out at all, but was fun for awhile…) and when I met her dad, a reserve officer, he suggested he could ‘help’ get me into drill sgt school and I could become a DI and work in his unit kind of for him. Now that was scarier than all this waving guns around stories. No thanks, the only thing worse than being a private in Basic would be working as a DI in Basic.

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