I met this guy in bumble, we texted few times in bumble and we have exchanged our number and taken the conversation outside the bumble. It was good, he talks about all the stuff like literally everything. I thought he would be too cool for me cause I felt dumb as I don’t understood most of the stuff he talked about. He asked multiple times to meet but I didn’t cause after I meet people in bumble within first week I don’t feel connected so I want to have conversation with him first and see where it was going. After a month or so we decided to meet. Everything looks completely different than I imagined like he is socially awkward, he just talks very different like verbally in a slow manner, he told me he have depression and after meeting him I felt that he not as cool as I thought him to be but he is a nice person so I still continued to talk with him. I meet him again for a second time and it went well but he awkwardly asked for a hug and I couldn’t resist so we hugged but it was awkward. After that we texted randomly, again we are planning to meet this weekend. But he asked me if I can hang out in his room and directly asked me if we could cuddle. It felt so random but also I know it would be awkward cause we don’t know much about each other. He says he needs affection. I just don’t know if this is how dating works cause I never dated anyone before. I just wanted your opinions.

  1. Maybe he’s having a mental breakdown and just vented instead of getting therapy or talking to his friends? As a pos myself I’ll just get drunk and flirt and vent, then ghost. It’s how I let off some steam.

  2. A month seems like a long time to figure out whether or not you want to meet a person. When I was dating more actively, I would get someone’s number and try to meet for a date within a couple of weeks. That way you can see how they are in real life and decide then if you want to keep seeing them.

    It sounds like you really aren’t attracted to him, but he’s nice so you don’t want to hurt his feelings. It’s better to hurt them now and tell him you just aren’t feeling it, and move on.

  3. I don’t pretend to know how dating works. I view dating as making a friend with romantic and sexual intent.

    If you like being with him but not interested being a romantic partner then put him in the friendzone.

  4. >I just don’t know if this is how dating works

    Kind of sort of, but the way he’s going about it, makes me think he may be on the spectrum. If you’re not feeling a physical attraction, I wouldn’t take him up the invite to his room.

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