Everyone has disagreements, difficult discussions and confrontations. There are proven ways that lead to positive outcomes for everyone – the illusive “win win”. One of the most promising strategies recently is called Nonviolent Communication.

Nonviolent Communication centers around the idea that words can damage people and relationships, so you must use them cautiously and in very particular ways which are *constructive* rather than *destructive.* There’s a better description of the principles [here](https://memod.com/TheoLogian/the-4-principles-of-nonviolent-communication-2610/part-1) but the vitals are:

\*State the problem as **observations** rather than judgements. That is things you objectively see, hear, etc. without yet mentioning your own interpretations, beliefs or feelings about the facts

\*After you have stated the issue, this is when you shift to “I statements” about your **own feelings**.

\*Express the **need you have** that is not being met

\*State the **solution** you would like to see

If you can get in the habit of communicating difficult topics using these principles, you’ll see people respond with less defensiveness and they’re likely to be more open to your ideas and input.

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