What makes you insecure?

  1. These days, women seem to want 9 inches.

    I don’t know how to stop half way, so I’m always insecure about my size.

  2. I have pretty serious hang-ups about disappointing people (only people I care about. Everyone else can shove it) that lead to some annoying perfectionistic tendencies.

  3. Honestly, the older I get nothing. I can take jokes etc. Nothing bothers me, the worst that happens is I either fix what I can, or say fck it, it is what it is.

    I hadn’t actually thought about this for quite some time.

  4. Videos of 6 year olds that can play Paganini perfectly while I can hardly do a proper scale.

  5. The mirror. Surprised I didn’t see someone else post this and have it near the top already.

  6. That I’m not a traditional masculine man, meaning, I don’t like sports, I’m scrawny and have interests that tend to be considered more feminine. I don’t fit in with men generally, and that makes me feel lonely. I have some girlfriends who are friends of both my wife and I, and we hang out with their husbands, but they’re not MY friends.

  7. Thinking too much about what the future might look like and how I can best provide for and raise my daughters.

  8. Myself, sometimes I feel like everything that I am is an annoyance to others despite being told differently

  9. Unreasonable family that lumps their problems on my shoulder and tries to guilt trip me if i attempt to refuse, then fail to show up if i ask for help.

  10. Well it’s a long list
    Starting with my appearance
    – I’m 25 and my hairline is already receding
    – I have crossed eyes and I’ve seen people look at me a weird way even on first dates they think I don’t notice it but most people are terrible at hiding it

    – my SEVERE anxiety disorder that gives me panic attacks and I often end up in the ER and the people who witness it, most of them start looking at me differently afterwards and often sideline me and stop socialising with me (I don’t blame them I think of it as a way of knowing who my real friends are)

    – The fact that I’m not very MANLY or do things other guys do like watching or playing sports, Drinking on the weekends or smoking up
    With my buddies (my doctors have strictly advised against it due to my anxiety disorder )

    I do enjoy things like watching movies good movies and shows
    Reading and writing poetry
    Listing to Rap and Rock music (Nirvana and ACDC , NF The Weekend and Joyner are some of my favourites )

    My sexuality

    – I’m a demisexual and I don’t discuss my girlfriend or other women with my friends or other people and am often disgusted when they do

    I have a hard time forming crushes it takes me years just to like someone

    I’ve been taking therapy for a long time and I feel things will get better they’ve already improved and I’m hopeful about my future

    Besides this I’m a pretty chill guy and I dont let my insecurities define me

  11. I have like 5 scars scattered around my body due to medical procedures, It’s realy not pleasing tk look at. Didn’t realy increase my already low confidence.

  12. Being a relatively desirable bachelor by traditional standards (looks, career, education level, status, etc.) yet still enduring countless rejection and ghosting from women. I feel like pre-dating apps, I would have been in the upper echelon of men. But now with the unlimited choice women have on apps, Instagram, etc. it’s a shitshow

  13. People judging my religious beliefs/that I am a Christian, and am different from them in some ways. My solution: don’t let people know what I think, cause they could be mean, and I have too many mental health issues to deal with that rn.

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