I (22M) met this girl (22F) on tinder around a month ago, we had our first date a little bit over two weeks ago. We’ve had 8 dates in that time and everything was going great, I really like her. We’ve had sex a couple of times and we’ve talked about not seeing anyone else.

Yesterday we watched a movie before she went partying for halloween and we said that today we were going to do the same thing. Today she has been awkward all day and she cancelled the plans, this afternoon she has told me that she made out with a guy last night and that she is really sorry.

We are going to talk about it tomorrow and I don’t know how to feel about it, we’ve only been dating for a couple of weeks and we are not officially dating but at the same I don’t know if it feels the same anymore. I really, really like her and I really want to make this work, but this has made me a little bit insecure about a future relationship with her.

TLDR: Girl I’ve been dating for a couple of weeks made out with another guy last night and I don’t know what I should do.

  1. You talked about being exclusive. She got intimate with someone else. She is a cheater. Never give a cheater a 2nd chance! End it now, never speak to her again.

  2. Sounds like you left things open. Talking about being exclusive is diffrent then actually being exclusive.

  3. I guess my advice would be to just have the conversation and see what she has to say. That’s not to say that you should automatically be cool with whatever explanation she gives you, but with the relationship (as described) being ambiguous-albeit-approaching-exclusive, I personally think it could go either way. Maybe this makes you both realize that you do want to be exclusive and take it to the next level, with more firm boundaries and expectations in place going forward to prevent confusion or hurt feelings. Or maybe this was an unfortunate overstep that ultimately squashes a budding romance. I think the only way to find out is to talk to her about it.

  4. Be glad it happened this early in the relationship.
    I would see her as a fwb and start dating other girls but thats me

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