What do you do when you get insanely angry but, don’t want to show it?

  1. Bite my tongue, hit my thigh. I usually manage to eat it up well though, I just tend to isolate myself most times and deal with it alone

  2. I breathe deeply and evenly, excuse myself as best I can from the situation and then go somewhere I can cool off. Same way I act when I’m having a panic attack tbh

  3. Isolate myself, go to somewhere I can hit something without breaking anything nor hurting myself, and hit said thing.

  4. I used to go in my room and throw pillows at the ground

    Can throw them as hard as you want at the ground and it will do no damage to anything

  5. I remember that I am human. I need not lash out like an animal. Anger is not manly. Calmness, compassion, and reason are more human and therefore more manly. A real man doesn’t lose himself to anger, and he is stronger for it.

  6. Kill them with kindness 🙂 I go into this mode where they don’t deserve to know how I feel, as their actions are so irrefutably and unequivocally impermissible I let their own ignorance destroy them.

  7. When I go to the fridge and find the kids ate the last of my peanut butter chocolate bars that my wife made for me. Worse yet they ALL took responsibility like some scene out of Spartacus so I couldn’t pick one to spank and spanking four kids including a teenager is a giant waste of time and I look *really* bad to my wife doing it. All I could do is go murder some people on GTA V and Fortnite.

  8. Depends what is getting me angry. At work if it’s something annoying with the software(integration parameters are annoying to work with), I’ll vent it out.
    If it’s a person, I’ll probably bite my tongue or walk away

  9. Make sarcastic remarks. Gas light. Be a general piece of shit. Anger is a strong emotion that projects outwards. It only hurts.

  10. Let that shit out. Probably the worst thing you can do is suppress it, if it happens often.

    Ask yourself what situations trigger anger for you. Often it’s some situation where communication between another person and you wasn’t adequate, OR communication was adequate, but you knowingly compromised your boundaries. Make sure you’re true to yourself, and then also let any frustration you feel out. Verbally or physically, controlled though and without causing someone harm

  11. Poker face, concentrate on controlling breathing pattern, speak (if necessary) in slow, even, purposeful and overly polite tones. Attempt to end the interaction with closed ended and short answers which do not invite follow up, and initiate NO interaction beyond what is required.

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