who would you give money to without expecting a refund?

  1. Either my sister, my mother, my brother, my partner, and a few of my close friends.

    Granted, they’re the only ones I’d give money to. I try not to give away money that I can’t stand to never see again.

  2. Depends on context. I don’t always consider it a loan when I choose to give someone money. If I do consider it a loan, I make that clear before giving them money.

  3. So my parents always taught me never to loan money I couldn’t afford to NOT get back…

    With that in mind, the dollar amount I’d be willing to give would vary based on the strength of the relationship.

  4. Mother and Brother, though I prefer if my brother pays me back in installments so I have funds for the next time he needs help.

  5. Dad and close friends. Unless they literally ask me to borrow I won’t ask and don’t expect to get paid back.

  6. Probably my parents, siblings, and girlfriend. For anyone else it’s price dependent.

  7. I never loan money. I don’t want to have to deal with asking for it back, people not paying me and relationships being ruined.

    But I do give money as a gift to very close family/friends.

    People call me stingy, because I will bluntly tell a mooch no. But I don’t care.

  8. There’s only 1 person in my life I care about to this extent. I would give everything to that person if they needed it without expecting anything in return.

  9. My husband or mom. My rule of thumb is only giving an amount of money I’m comfortable not getting back.

  10. My mother, my sister, and my boyfriend. Not because they’d do the same for me (they 100% would) but because I would do anything for them without hesitation and this is just a small fraction of that “everything” 😅😅

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