I’ve been in 1 relationship and it was awful. She didn’t love me for half of it, and it didn’t seem like she did for most of the other half. Since then I’ve been trying to get back into a relationship to see if I can do it right this time. However I’ve noticed that I change my behavior around people I’m interested in. Too much. I think if I could just act myself I’d have a chance. I’m an extreme extrovert with what I’ve been told is a great sense of humor and I can go up to just about anyone on the street and start a conversation, but I can’t start a conversation with someone I’m into for the life of me. Depending on my mood or the situation, I’m either all humor or all serious, there is no in between. It gets pretty frustrating on top of not knowing how to start a conversation. I’m sure if I could learn to text people I’m into normally, I would probably just be comfortable enough around them to just talk to them in person.

How can I just treat people I’m interested in like everyone else? I feel like that is my biggest obstacle.

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