My bf(24M) is an amazing person. He is the kindest and the most considerate person ever but when it comes to fashion, well his tastes not that great. I never say anything about it and only offer suggestions when he asks because I’m afraid of hurting him or making him feel bad. Mind you I never feel ashamed of being with him in public.
But recently he got a custom denim vest with patches of his favorite band logos. He loves this vest and I know he’s very excited to get it. He’s been talkin about it for ages. I’m really happy for him, but the thing is that best is hideous. Our classmates are complete assholes and will definitely make fun of him
My bf is kinda sensitive. I’m afraid it will break his heart and obviously of somebody makes fun of him its gonna hurt me too.
I haven’t said anything to him yet. Will it make me a bad gf if I say anything, I know if I say that the best sucks it will break his heart.

Tdlr: what do I do

  1. Let them make fun of him. He can’t grow as a person if you keep shielding him. Just be there to love and support him.

  2. He’s into what he’s into, he prolly secretly thinks your taste in clothing is appalling aswell. He’s a grown ass man, if a little crude judgement is gonna affect him that much then he has bigger problems than his fashion sense

  3. You are just as much a bully as his classmates. You are not the fashion police and I’m sure your tastes aren’t anything to write home about.

    I’m an old school punk who works in Vintage clothing and I think his vest sounds awesome. Frankly people like you and your classmates are the reason most people look like they all share the same closet. We need more people who show their individual tastes and wear what they like.

    Quit trying to hide behind you trying to protect him, when its obvious you are only concerned about what you and other people think. Your bf sounds way too cool to be dating such a cookie cutter sardine like you.

    Maybe be a real partner and actually support the person you act like you care about. Instead of acting like his mom and trying to control him.

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