I’m a disabled/ retired veteran and I can’t work, nor do I need to. But I need new friends and don’t know how to makes friends without a school/work intermingle location.

  1. Family / Childhood Friends > Work Friends > Neighbor Friends > Church Friends > Hobby Friends > Internet Friends

  2. Over here in Australia, we have things called “men’s sheds” which are exactly what they sound like – they do things like wood-work, mechanics, restoring farm/ military equipment etc. – perhaps there’s something like that near you that you could get involved in?

  3. Have you tried Meetup.com? You’ll find a lot of groups for various interests on there. Just look for one that matches your hobbies/interests, and you should be able to meet new people in no time

  4. Yes, ask us, The league of lonely depressed men using reddit, how to make friends…

    Become more handsome, more charming, and richer.

  5. Join a group of interest, surrounding a hobby or a purpose (e.g. voluntary work). Attend regularly, do your best and enjoy yourself

  6. Volunteer.

    The church my wife and I go to is hard core into volunteer work. Other churches, less so.

    “Work” as in hard manual labor roofing for habitat for humanity is probably out but “work” as in pack boxes for donations is probably doable in some form. Don’t have to be the guy stacking heavy stuff, someone puts a flyer in each box and that’s one single sheet of paper at a time, someone else wraps tape on the box, someone else folds boxes to be filled, you get the idea.

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