So basically I had an amazing 1st date with a guy. Total gentleman – He seemed to be looking for something serious and we both established we want to take it slow. 2nd date we decided to meet up in the city for drinks which is walking distance from his place but far from mine. I parked at my best friends place nearby because there’s no parking in the city and she lets me use her parking and then just Ubered there. I had a really good time, but then I felt a little tipsier than expected after a third drink. I don’t normally drink at all so idk I didn’t know what I was doing and was trying to keep up with him, but regardless I held my composure. so being someone who isn’t into hookups early on I told him I was going to just crash at the friends place instead of drive home or go to his. I think this guy didn’t believe me though because he made a comment it’s late and asked if my friend minded. She doesn’t. She’s my best friend. We crash all the time at each other’s places. He checked to see if I got home safe but I haven’t heard from him since. The other day my friend was telling me how sketchy it is to crash at someone’s place after a date and that he probably thinks I was hooking up with a guy. I feel really bad because that was not the case at all I literally just didn’t feel comfortable driving. Do you think what I did was a major red flag?

  1. Pretty childish mindset to instantly assume you were hooking up with another guy. If that IS what he actually thinks, then you’re probably better off without him reaching out.

    In my opinion, what you did isn’t a red flag at all. If anything you were being responsible by not driving home after drinking. Unless you gave me a reason not to trust you after just 2 dates, I wouldn’t assume you were lying. That’s a shitty way to start any relationship.

  2. I mean he could be mostly disinterested because you got too drunk on the date. But I wouldn’t think twice if I woman went to see a friend after my date. You wouldn’t want to date a guy who would be concerned/controlling on this.

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