Alien V Predator for me .

  1. The Last Temptation Of Christ

    I was looking forward to it under the assumption that since it was so controversial it had to be interesting to watch. LMAO, yes I was wrong. Boring.

    Recently, some ancient Annette Funicello and Franky Avalon movies on Amazon Prime.

  2. My friend went to the Entourage movie not knowing what it was, she would just pick random movies for fun. She demanded, and received, a full refund.

  3. The second Jack Reacher film.

    Quite liked the first one, the second was a typical Tom Cruise film.

  4. Jurassic World. Within the first 10 minutes you can tell its just an empty, forced, meaningless waste.

    Also Drag Me To Hell, but that was mostly because it was falsely advertised by a friend. He told me it was super scary, with no jump scares. Well it turned out to be a classic Raimi film with jump scares, no scary parts, and cheesy humor I was not in the mood for. I never gave it another chance because it’s just not my thing, but I feel I would’ve been more tolerant initially if my friend lived in reality.

  5. The Men Who Stare At Goats.

    It wasn’t a bad movie, it was just so boring and pointless.

    It wasn’t funny, it wasn’t interesting, it wasn’t dramatic and it wasn’t entertaining; so near the end I just said “I don’t care how this ends” and we got up and left.

  6. Sucker Punch.

    I was in Iraq. Movie ‘theater’ is free. No booze. Had popcorn. Needed to kill time to adjust for the next shift. Still walked out.

  7. Battlefield Earth. I realized the saved brain cells were far more valuable than the admission price. That’s saying a lot considering I went to Starship Troopers seven times.

  8. The only movie I’ve walked out on in a theater was *The Thin Red Line*, and it isn’t even a bad movie, it was just that I went with a group of friends in our 20s at the time and we were expecting a war movie and what we got instead was 5 minutes of a static image of an empty bird cage followed by 3 minutes of rain dripping off of a leaf, etc etc and there was just no way we were sitting through an art house film at 8:15 on a rowdy friday night out.

    Now, I’ve stopped *so many* movies part way through at home, or just stopped watching them while my wife finished the film that I can’t even list them all. Most movies are terrible.

  9. Argo, boring as can be even when the plot got going it just felt flat Well at least for me –

  10. I walked out of Passion of the Christ. The whole thing just seemed like a snuff film. I wasn’t into it.

  11. None. If I paid I’m staying. Even if it’s horrible I’ll have something to joke about later. I’m also pretty picky about what I’ll see in theaters.

    I did recently sneak into Last Night in Soho after watching another movie. Missed maybe the first 5 mins, watched about an hr and left. Just didn’t care for it and knew exactly where it was going.

  12. Alien: Covenant

    A bunch of people you really don’t care about, no real sense of tension, some bullshit about fingering a flute, and a climatic action scene that was boring with little to no suspense.

    Almost completely empty theater. The guy nearest to me came in late with a burger. He ate his burger and fries, watched a few more minutes, and left. Towards the end of the film I got up to get a burger for myself. During the Alien battling the Ripley ripoff on top of the spaceship scene, I really couldn’t care anymore.

  13. Eternals. My goodness. I went alone to the cinema. Left in the middle. Came back for the end, still garbage.

  14. X Files, the new one. 1) They ruined the “will they won’t they” of Mulder and Scully and in a hamfisted way. 2) The entire thing was CATHOLIC PRIEST BAAAAAAAAAAD. Yeah, I get it, but this was just over the top.

    13th floor. 1) Why would you use virtual reality to simulate 1937? I mean, it can be done, but it’s a hard sell. 2) I didn’t care about any of the characters. 3) I had no idea what was going on.

  15. i remember elementary school or middle school we went to go watch star wars episode 1. i had never seen any star wars movies at all and we had no clue what was going on so we left.

  16. Lord of War with Nic Cage.

    Ads sold it as action/comedy. It was neither. Bad is an understatement. I get what they were doing, but sell it as that and I’ll give a higher rating. We went to it as a date night. Totally ruined the mood. Like selling Schindler’s List as a rom com.

    At least with Wonder Woman 1984 you had Wonder Woman to watch so you got something out of it.

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