I’ve (25f) been seeing a guy (25m) for 2-3 months. It’s been great! Until I found out he had a long term gf. I ended things when I found out, I tried to confront him but he tried to manipulate me. He pretended that he left her when we started seeing each other.

He made fake social media accounts with a different name to connect with me. He went to extreme lengths to hide his true identity, which I found. He pretended to like me and we created amazing memories but it was all fake.

I know most people wouldn’t do this. I’m wondering, why do some do this? I’m confused at how out of all the datable people, I found this dude.

  1. He probably has a shitty relationship. And many just don’t have the guts to end things without a ‘replacement’, as bad as it sounds.

  2. I agree with Insurgent. He wants out of his current relationship and wants a soft landing – you.

  3. Because he wants to monkey branch.

    Unfortunately A LOT of people have a hard time ending their current relationship before they have a new one. It’s selfish at best and evil at worst. These people have serious abandonment issues they haven’t addressed and are terrified of being lonely.

    Women do this too. I dated a man who made sure he has a new girl before he ended a current relationship. I also have a friend (woman) who can’t end her current relationship but has stepped out.

    People do this because there was a broken or severely damaged parental attachment in their childhood. So now they operate out of their own protection and not an actual code of ethics.

  4. Monkeybarring. Getting an ego-boost. “I get no sex from my gf anymore :,-(” Wants to have his cake and eat it too… the excitement of dating, the security of a longerm relationship. Narcissist, needing positive feedback from as many people as possible. With the amount of manipulation he went through, I would guess the latter.

  5. Girls do it too. Everyone does it lol. A lot of the girl friends I have purely are on dating apps for attention and never actually plan on meeting people or even better are just thing for free food.

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