
I (25m) am pretty inexperienced with talking to women/dating and would like some advice on whether or not to ask a girl to hang out/go out.


I take my dog (15, yorkie) to the vet a couple times a week for subcutaneous fluids which helps with her kidney disease. Since I am there quite often, I know the receptionists and technicians fairly well. There is this one technician who is around my age and shares a lot in common with me. She is the only technician there to ask me about my life and seem genuinely interested in me. She constantly asks how school is going (even remembers the classes I am taking), tells me stories about her life/work, and is just pleasant around me. She is normally the one to start the conversations with me. This is quite unusual for me because she is the first girl to actual show some interest in me and my life. She does also tease/joke around with me some (after I do it to her) This is different from the other technicians (who are also around my age) and strictly keep the conversations to my dog and never ask into my life.

I may be reading too much into the situation but I am just asking because I am inexperienced. Is she just being friendly or does she have interest in me? I want to ask her to hang out sometime but I don’t want to make things awkward between us if I am reading the situation wrong because I have to go to the vet every week with my dog and she her often.

Any advice is welcomed!

  1. I say if you’re interested in her then won’t really hurt to ask. If you’re worried about the awkwardness then even if it works now you still run the risk of it not working out and being more awkward later

  2. Just go for it life is short she will say yes or no but you won’t regret of asking atleast.

  3. 3 things can happen:

    a) she will say yes

    b) she will say no and things will get akward between you 2

    c) you won’t ask her out and you will regret it

    Sometimes you shoud risk it…

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