so my ex has a new girlfriend and they started dating about 3 months after we broke up. I just found out because for some reason people tell me things I don’t want to hear! I was doing really well with the break up because the relationship was horrible towards the end and I finally reached my breaking point.
We were together for 3 years and the first year was magical. He seriously was the perfect boyfriend and someone I dreamed of. He met some cool friends at the end of the first year and decided he wanted to live the college life. We broke up and then got back together but unfortunately after that it just was never the same. We were on and off again for two years and I just so badly wanted things to go back to how they were… how could the perfect boyfriend all of a sudden only love me in the dark. He was so in love with me but had other girls on the side and stopped bringing me around his friends so we could “work on things privately” I honestly feel like an idiot for believing that. But he had such a hard time letting me go because he wanted me later just not now. I didn’t want to wait for him to grow up so I dumped him.
When we broke up for good, I was so much happier without him. I felt free! Relieved and ready to meet the one for me.
Well with his new girlfriend, it’s like he’s giving her everything he used to and stopped giving me. Everything I begged to get back he just gives away to her. It honestly is crushing. We dreamed of moving to san diego together and only three months into their relationship, they are moving to san diego. like are you kidding me. I had to block her instagram bc I kept looking at their photos together. It’s making me so sad and although I want to be happy for him, I can’t help but hate him for it. He loved me so much but wasn’t ready to grow up??… yet look at him now… just 3 months after we break up he’s in a publicly loving relationship.
I just don’t know how to move on from this. Any advice lol

  1. Move on with your life, he is an ex. Most likely his new relationship will fizzle after the first year.

    Stop following him on social media.

    Go find yourself someone that will make you happy.

  2. It takes time. Block and delete them, out of sight, out of mind. Maybe some therapy will help. You have to try to move on. Don’t believe everything you see on social media, just because he looks happy doesn’t mean he is.. anyway, focus on you. He didn’t want you, plain and simple and you only miss the guy you were dating the first year. That guy doesn’t exist. Best revenge, living a good life. Good luck

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