I thought he had crushed on me but he couldn’t express his feelings because of his shyness.
(btw he’s 22) So I decided to make a move… well, that was my mistake! I asked him out and his answer was NO.

I never had asked someone out and it was my first time getting rejected. I was almost in panic and kept asking him why I couldn’t be his lover. And the worst part I said was.. “Can’t we just go out even if you don’t like me? I’ll take good care of you.”
Fuck. Now can you feel how panicked I was? I probably did even know what I was saying. I shouldn’t have acted that clingy…….

Anyway, He said that he had never seen me as woman and I’m just a good friend of his and he would never ever fall in love with me for sure…… And he said that he’s rejecting me clearly and flatly because he doesn’t want to give me a vain hope.

Well, that was it. The thing is, we sit next to each other and spend almost 8 hours a day in a same space… This awkwardness just choke me up. And I act weird when he’s around.

It’s okay that he rejected me. But the problem is that this situation is so awkward and uncomfortable right now. I don’t know how to get through this problem.

  1. Don’t take it too hard. Just take the rejection and move on. They don’t need to give you a reason why. Its simply a *no*.

    Now you know how it feels to be a man! Except imagine this happening hundreds of times.

  2. This is the exact reason why I can’t ask a girl out in my company.

    Although he rejected you, the thing is that he seems like a good guy and probably won’t tell his co-workers so it won’t be weird experience for you.

  3. This is why men suggest to other men to not ‘shit where you eat’ or in this case ‘fuck where you work.’ The cost of rejection or a failed relationship is too high since you work in the same space.

    Only time will make it less awkward as the memory of this event will fade until it only briefly comes up once in a blue moon.

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