What’s something you really appreciate about other women?

  1. When women are just with other women (restroom, changing room area, hostel room) they hype each other up, care for each other, hand over tampons and toilet paper, compliment each other.

  2. Women protect other women. It doesn’t matter how much we differ in any aspect. If i see a girl being bothered by a guy, I’ll pretend to be her best friend on the phone with my buff boyfriend who is soon coming. Always offer to hold a girls drink if she needs the bathroom. Walk next to a girl if I notice a guy following her. And I know all girls would do the same for me. It’s really sad that we have to, but it is an unspoken code to protect one another

  3. Most women have each others backs. If I go up to another woman and pretend that she’s my best friend because some guy is being creepy, most women will play along without missing a beat.

    I’ve also never been afraid to ask a complete stranger for a pad or tampon in the washroom, and vice versa. I actually don’t get a period anymore via BC, but still carry around pads in case other ladies are in need

    EDIT: also, every time I’ve fallen in public (which is *a lot* I’m incredibly clumsy), it’s always a woman who asks me if I’m ok and if I need any help.

    Ooo also, sometimes if I’m out shopping and I’m clearly looking for a size/product/whatever, on more than one occasion I’ll have a fellow woman customer point me in the right direction without me even having to ask. Just “oh, there’s more of those over there!”

    We genuinely stick together and help each other out more often than not

    EDIT 2: sorry! I just keep thinking of examples.

    If something embarrassing is happening ie. your period leaked through your pants, your skirt is tucked into your underwear, etc. Some nice stranger will discreetly let you know what’s going on.

  4. I love how (some) women really validate other women. And I love how most of them believe other women when naming SAers.

  5. Most of the time they protect each other. I myself am very protective of other women especially if one is going through something hard and I can speak from experience and emphasize with them.

  6. They’re so interesting and cool. I feel like as a whole the women I’ve met have so much more thoroughly cultivated personality and style that’s unique to them.

  7. the safety and connection of shared experiences, even though they usually aren’t positive ones. unspoken solidarity between most women.

  8. The unfiltered conversations when men aren’t around. Because we actually listen, and we might interrupt, but it’s to extend and affirm rather than dominate the conversation. Add a man to the group, however supportive an ally he might be, the conversation still changes and filters go up.

  9. Women who have badass makeup skills. I just look at some of ya’ll and think…damn that’s artistry. Me on the other hand- I struggle drawing a straight line with brown pencil eyeliner lol

  10. Sisterhood. It just hits different. It can be lifelong, or formed within twenty seconds if someone needs support or a situation gets sticky.

  11. Society has forced us to be able to recognize what one may be insecure about. Woman have an innate nature to recognize one’s beauty and the amazing courtesy to point it out so they know it and feel it too.

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