Hey fellow bros!

Throwaway account here,

What’re some things you guys do to improve you’re lasting time and excitement either quickly or over the long term?

I usually come pretty quickly during sex when I had it regularly. I haven’t been laid in several years, mostly due to my fear of embarrassing myself in the bedroom. I’m a decently in shape guy (late 20’s) and do have girls interested in me from time to time. My lack of confidence and experience in the bedroom has really shattered my social life over the past few years. But! Im finally ready to get back out there.

When I did have the most sex with my girlfriend a few years back I began to last longer at the beginning of the relationship, and if I came I could almost always get it back up and go again. At a certain point though, I started come very fast and wouldn’t be able to go again anytime soon. I also noticed that I would come fast or struggle to keep an erection.

The latter reigned true with another girlfriend that followed and and stayed that way until we broke up. Since then I’ve basically avoided women and gone into a pretty bad mental state. I now have a girl I’m really interested in and want to do everything I can to better my game!

Any and all wisdom and info would be appreciated!!

Thanks so much!


what happens when you call a guy with premature ejaculation?

…….he comes fast!

  1. There’s always the old “think of something else” trick. But the best one is pulling out for a bit to “cool off” if you will. Heck, even can say to women something like, “don’t want this to end just yet.” and they should be understanding. Best of luck, man!

  2. Kegels – same muscles you use when you flex your erect dick. Practice holding for 10-15 seconds at a time, work up to 30 seconds at a time.

    Masturbate beforehand. Also masturbate more often. Even if you plan on having sex that day, still start the morning off and clean out the pipes. Just additional practice will help.

    Occasionally, like once a week work on edging. Getting yourself almost to cum then stop just before the point of no return. Do that as long as you can. Try to get to the edge more times than your last session.

    Finally…have sex, cum, pee, wash it off and then have sex again. There’s no rule saying that once you cum you can’t get back in there if she’s still ready and willing for more.

    Also other weird trick … A lot of times if you really have to pee, it’s pretty hard to cum. Use this tip at your own risk.

  3. That sucks dude, I recognize a lot of what you say in myself. Especially the part about not wanting to approach women anymore because of it. The answers in this subreddit usually kinda suck on this subject. Keep in mind there probably is no easy solution. Firstly I’d suggest visiting r/PrematureEjaculation and read as much from the popular/top posts as you can to inform yourself. I wonder if you masturbate quickly? I know that plays a part for me, years of bad habits can make an already existing thing much worse. Good luck and don’t let it keep you down!

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