I matched with him a few weeks ago and we started talking and I realized we were not a good match. So I decided to just say we should be friends and that’s it and he’s totally fine with it. We are both in a small town. Today I was at work and he said he drove by and sent me a picture of the parking lot at my work and asked me which one was my vehicle. I was SUPER creeped out. I know its easy to find because we are in a small town but WTF. I told him that was creepy and he said he didn’t mean to be creepy. He constantly messages me through out the day, when I don’t reply he still messages me. He’s 36M. I told my co-worker and showed her the picture and she said that was super creepy and that I should just block him.

  1. If he doesn’t respect your boundaries he’s not worth keeping around as a friend. I know it sucks living in a small town but cut him out of your life if he’s not respectful

  2. >I was SUPER creeped out

    Your co-worker confirmed it was creepy. which is an objective take. Tell him to stop contact and then block. Save all your texts in case you need to go to the police.

  3. He’s not just creepy, he’s stalking you. Start documenting his behavior in case it escalates and you need a restraining order.

  4. 👀👀👀 definitely block him and carpool and/or switch up your schedule a bit for a while.

  5. Definitely block him. Guys like this don’t change. I once had one I almost had to file a harassment complaint against. He wouldn’t leave me alone and kept finding new ways to contact me. Only when I told him I called the police to look into potentially filing a harassment complaint did he finally leave me alone

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