When lovers go to battle! Damn it MARVEL……LGBTQIA

This is my first post and I can’t believe that I’m going to Reddit to air my bullshit.
Be wanted there is so much information and I use punctuation sparingly. But, sadlyit’s real. The whole thing is too dumb not to be

My name is Karlos and my husband name is Donald (fake obviously). We live in a small city in the Midwest and even though he’s originally European. He like to remind me that he came over to the states because we feel in love. He’s he crossed the ocean before even meeting me in person, and gave up everything because he fell in love; and he likes to remind me of that every chance he gets.

Our relationship has had its ups and downs of course the way that all relationships do. I love him, I really do. But after years of first feeling like his father (showing him the states and supporting him seeing he couldn’t work for a bit), then after 2 year separated we rekindled and got back together and now I feel like a fucking burden.
We can get along all week but weekly like clockwork I feel like he bite my head off over an opinion I have about something completely frivolous. Yesterday it was over the fucking avengers……

I brought up how I understand and don’t know if I would risk going back in time if I was Tony stark. He somehow made it out okay and has a wife and a child.

Me: “Call me selfish idc, but Ironman has tried his best to make up for his families past in arm dealing and he doesn’t owe the world anything. Already losing one surrogate child (Peter) to the snap, I also would be reluctant to risk another with time travel shenanigans.”

Him “Time travel wouldn’t affect his family and he doesn’t want to risk his life and he’s just scared.”
Me: “maybe a bit, but history shows that he doesn’t have a problem risking himself, even in front of ‘Pepper’. I see it as the only thing that has changed is he has the family he never had with his parents and can not take losing another child.”

This went back and forth as he is getting more and more irate and rudder in his tone like how dare I not agree with him. I continued to try and communicate we’re i stood pulled up articles, movie reviews, referenced time stamped minutes showing him ponder over doing what is “right.”

Still he dug his heel in and starts yelling as if I told him I ran over the cat or something. 🙄🙄 taking it so personal. This is the point I excuse myself because this is obviously going no where good, and maybe some space will give us some perspective.

Then he preceding to text me continuing.

“It’s more important to you to be right than actually think I know something.”

I take the bait

Me: “Dude I’ve showed you why I feel how I feel. Supported by multiple sources and references of the actual movie.” For some reason me asking you what makes you arrive at that point shouldn’t be all of this.”

Him:”You’re narcissistic and I’m not arguing with you. If you need to be right that badly than you can have it.”

My blood turns to fire and I respond, “fuck you, stop gaslighting me. “

His response was, “ that’s what’s ur doing and your projecting. Don’t ask me what I think if you don’t want to hear it. “

But the funny thing is I didn’t. I went over it over and I. My head I never did. I shared my opinion and immediately he took the opposite stance.

I’m not perfect, far from it. Honestly I feel like I’m at my wicks end. I of course don’t even really give a shit his motivation and obviously this stems from something deeper.

On both sides

Me feeling tired of feeling interrupted. Like most times I feel like he’s trying to think of his next point vs listening and hearing me not saying your wrong but this is my Theory.

Yesterday was just the catalyst if it wasn’t that I’m sure it would something else I said. Honestly I have no idea how to fix. Our toxic communication issue or if I even want to at this point.

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