26 f. I met this guy on a dating site and I felt like we hit it off instantly. 2 dates later, we had great conversations, laughed a lot, had great sex. I really liked the guy so I wanted to make sure if we were on the same page so I asked the epic question about what he was looking for. He said he’s not sure but is not against the idea of being in a relationship. I said I’m on the same page and now I’m being ghosted. I don’t understand if there was anything wrong with asking that question. We were texting and had a good convo going on and now he just abruptly stopped texting. I really liked the guy and I’m really disappointed. I don’t have a bad personality or bad looks and I do think I can hold conversations with people. I have no problem finding dates but I’m frustrated with the amount of people sitting out there to screw you or just don’t give a damn. I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong!! Any advice??

  1. The best suggestion I can give you is to talk to a relationship expert if that is something that you can afford and if not you can go on youtube search for videos that show if a guy is looking for a relationship and videos of how spot if a guy cares or not. I hope this helps you out good luck.

  2. Kiss more frogs. One is bound to be a prince. That guy you met will meet a girl who will tick all his boxes and then she’ll ghost him because he doesn’t tick all of hers. And the cycle continues.

  3. That’s the downside of using dating apps. Neither side is very invested at the start, and moving on to the next one is very easy. You could try to get on the same page about relationships before date 1.

  4. You gave it up to the guy too easy. If he is against relationships then he was clearly in it to get intimate. You control access to sex, while I don’t know your history keep in mind guys we see things differently than yall. If we see someone that says they got standards and expectations to meet in order to qualify for a relationship and then sex after alot of guys will see more value there as opposed to someone that gives themselves to others too freely. It implies a lack of self value, it’s not a criticism of you to be clear.

    I’m saying you should have higher standards for yourself. Because guys like this do quite a bit of hurt on women such as yourselves, and that hurt more often than not (from what I have observed ) is placed on the shoulders of a guy who will take you seriously and treat you well. It’s not good for you, it’s not fair to that man that may value you in the future, and the only one it benefits are the men who are low investment; as in they are in it to hit it so to speak.

    I hope you save yourself for a better quality man, and that you will have taken some time to have moved on from this experience. Wish you the best!

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