I’m 40 years old and I still can’t swim. What are those things you still don’t do that people do at a younger age?

  1. I (37F) haven’t driven on highways, or freeways. I’m a terrible driver & don’t trust myself to drive in stressful, or congested traffic. This is a very limiting fear.

  2. I’m 18.

    I can’t swim, I have no idea how to skii or iceskate (a shame to my culture), I have no idea how to initiate a conversation with someone I do not know extremely well or are **really** close with.

    The last one is probably the most restricting for me, as I have troubles even starting conversations with my family.

    I’ve practiced all my life, but I do not seem to get any better.

  3. It takes about an hour to learn basic swimming. It’s worth an hour of your time. I might save your life and you’ll feel better about yourself.

  4. Ride a bike.

    I just never really learned. Town was like… 15 miles out from my house, growing up. I didn’t really have anywhere else to go, and I was basically raised in a forest with no good trails.

  5. I don’t know if you’re single or not, but when we were in our early 20s my buddy would always tell girls he never learned to swim. It was amazing how quickly these girls wanted to get in a pool with him, and “teach” him to swim. Not sure if it works at 40 but give it a try.

  6. tie my shoes, I’m 29, I have a bachelors degree, I’ve been steadily employed for the better part of the last 10 years and I never learned how to tie my shoes (I was never taught anything as a kid and that’s one of those things I never developed the fine motor skills for)

  7. Drive. I really wish I’d learnedany years ago. I know to learn know will be so much harder and costs have skyrocketed in recent years.

  8. I dont drink, but to be fair I’m not that old, although it’s common for people my age drink a lot.

  9. I don’t know how to play spades or any card games. Someone teaches me and then I re-forget

  10. What does it mean that you can’t swim? Do you just stand still like a popsicle in the water or is it a panic/freakout thing?

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