Ever since I (20 F) started masturbating with penetration around like 16, I’ve had issues with bleeding. Not a ton of blood but sometimes it’s enough to require a liner (sorry if that grosses anyone out). Anyway, I got a full check up, Pap smear, pelvic exam, EVERYTHING and the doctor said it was fine. I lost my virginity at 19, I bled like a bitch and bled every time after that til I stopped wanting to have sex cause I would just be anxious. I tried to masturbate with a dildo yesterday and… spotting again. Do any of my fellow vagina carriers experience this or did experience this? What should I do? I used lube but I think my problem is I tighten up really bad when I’m turned on or nearing orgasm. Also, i think the sex bleeding was due to my being really wound up because I noticed I struggle to put tampons in sometimes because I’m clenching. Idk id love to hear other similar experiences or advice

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