How is Tinder getting away with scamming us?

  1. Because you’re a doofus who actually paid for that after swiping through all the camwhores? I mean, that like falling for the hot single moms in your area who are DTF *right now*.

  2. You tell me. I had to have my workers tell me what it was 8 years ago because I had no idea. For me it’s a source of entertainment. That is, hearing other peoples’ stories.

    Even if I weren’t married I wouldn’t use it.

  3. Wutcha mean by “US”? I don’t play the online dating game. Women have ENDLESS options ENDLESS! I think I read somewhere that only 10% of men actually go on dates and the rest are just an endless sea of left swipes, I refuse to play that game so I don’t online date.

  4. Because enough men are desperate, lonely, or horny. I’d some combination of the above. Sex sells baby.

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