Women of reddit, how important are the astrological signs when looking to date somebody?

  1. I follow astrology although a little loosely. I’ve definitely noticed a trend on the signs and although Ive given guys a shot even tho I knew their signs weren’t compatible with mine.
    Needless to say they didn’t work out and I can see why.

  2. I don’t care to the point that if I met a guy who cared that would be a dealbreaker to me.

  3. Minus 10.
    Altough if he strongly believes in astrology it is probably a sign that we are not conpatible.

  4. Zero importance ever. Not to put your beliefs down but I can’t imagine that the whole of humanity fits into these categories.

  5. I follow my own for shits and giggles. Based on my own signs, I should be batshit crazy. So no I don’t worry about other peoples and I hope nobody gives a shit about mine lol

  6. Sun signs don’t mean shit. It’s deep and intricate. So no , it’s not a determining factor as to if I will date someone. But it’s fun, and i been studying astrology around 5 years . Use your common sense

  7. Not important but, I’ve had really bad luck with partners born in September. Coincidence? Probably. Am I going to date anyone born in September again? Probably not lol.

    Edit: Virgos.

  8. not at all. anyone who thinks they actually do something to a person’s character is freaking crazy, my opinion. If the date mentions it, ill walk tf out.

  9. 0 importance. I don’t even know my husband’s zodiac sign off the top of my head – I’d have to Google it.

  10. Not at all. Astrology is just for fun to me. I’m indian and vedic astrology is part of my culture so i have an appreciation for it. But I would never not pursue a relationship with someone due to their astrology. In fact, based on our sun signs my husband and I are not supposed to be compatible yet we have been together and happy for 13+ years.

  11. As a Scorpio who is with a Gemini… apparently not at all

    He’s very loud and proud about it and gets excited, to the point where we now look up all the survivor contestants signs as part of who to root for. Survivor 43 is devoid of Geminis and Scorpios, much to his disappointment

    Anyway we’re both red flags, whether you believe in astrology or not

  12. I love astrology and wouldn’t not date someone because of their sign, but I will say I’ve noticed a trend in people I just end up being more/less compatible with and it’s similar signs. And that’s without knowing their signs ahead of time.

  13. zero but I love to say shit like “an aries?? eww”, “is there a biggest red flag than a taurus man??” bc it’s funny and you can tell right away if the man is an arrogant asshole

  14. I don’t give a shit really, but I’m absolutely a Cap and my wife is absolutely a Taurus, and because we’re 12 years apart in age, we’re both absolutely Oxen according to the Chinese zodiac.

  15. None. And someone taking astrology seriously or even bringing it up would have been a massive turn off.

  16. When I was in high school I was the editor of our French school newsletter. We decided to have horoscope section. I wrote it. But, I followed a formula. Whatever my sign was got the most attention. Whoever was my high school nemesis of the week got some petty attention lol. Most importantly, the trick is to say something generally positive about each sign. Suddenly everyone thinks the horoscope actually describes them specifically. “A shocking domestic change will interest you” “your investment on a long term project will pay off soon” It can mean anything!

    I was basically an oracle.

    So…no, astrological signs mean nothing. I would probably take someone less seriously if they actually thought the alignment of stars and planets influence our lives.

  17. Shhhh…. the men think we’re crazy when we tell them that we won’t date *their astrological sign* but it’s just that we think they’re a creep, they’re not supposed to know we don’t really care.

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