Got a week off work the week after next and want to go away for it. I’m thinking Belfast or, quite randomly, Lancaster (I’m in Glasgow).

Belfast pros:

I can get the ferry, ferry’s are cool

Accommodation is cheap

Plenty of architecture and history

Easy to walk around


Possibly quite like Glasgow?

Ferry is a bit expensive

It’s a city so maybe a bit fast paced

Lancaster pros:

Megabus from Glasgow is dirt cheap and quicker than going to Belfast

Also lots of architecture and history

Looks quite slow paced – love the idea of sitting by a canal with a pint

Morecambe is within spitting distance but I know little about it


Accommodation is either low quality or expensive

Might be boring after day two

Dont have a car so getting further out is difficult

I’ve never been to either so any advice welcome! I really just want a nice few days of exploring, going to museums, old pubs and that sort of thing.

  1. **For specific questions about Belfast, you can also visit /r/Belfast.**

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  3. Lancaster only has one or two museums and they’re fairly small, but it would be a great place for sitting in a pub. Morecambe has a number of pubs and hotels with views across the bay as well. Lancaster also has the castle, I’ve never actually done an official tour there but the castle is impressive so I imagine it would be interesting.

    For a few days it’s probably fine to visit, it won’t blow your mind but it’s always tough to imagine what a city is like to a new visitor. Maybe it’s more interesting than I think!

    Belfast has many more museums, plus the tours around the murals with the recent history of the Troubles. Definitely more to fill your weekend, definitely more of a city vibe – though still a very small city. I definitely think it feels like a smaller city than Glasgow.

  4. I would avoid ferries during school holidays, given the impact of the P+O actions. So that rules out Belfast for you.

  5. I love Lancaster but wouldn’t go there for more than a day maybe a day and a half at a push. Haven’t been to Belfast but would imagine there’s a bit more to see.

  6. Ferry is dirt cheap if you book onto Hannon’s coach that leaves from Buchanan Street and drops off at City Hall in Belfast. £39 E/W including the boat and luggage. I’d go Belfast, good transport to get about and see things and plenty to do.

  7. I live in Belfast.
    If you like museums, then the Ulster Museum in South Belfast is good to visit, and its free too.
    The Ulster Folk and Transport museum is a short bus ride away. You may prefer to just visit the Folk side instead of doing both parts.

  8. Lancaster itself might be a bit limited for more than a day or two, but if you’re willing/able to travel around the area then it’s a decent shout. Arnside and Silverdale area is very pleasant.

  9. If you like coffee and end up going to Lancaster, make sure you drop into Atkinsons. You can also visit Lancaster and just use it as a base as the trains around the Lake District are really good, or at least they used to be. I assume there is more to do in Belfast itself though.

  10. Lancaster is a lovely city but very small. You’re quite close to the Lake District and even closer to the Forest of Bowland so if you like walking and scenery it’s good. But for a city break it’s just not that big of your spending more than a day or two. The castle is cool though, and there are lots of good pubs.

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