I use online dating, mostly Bumble now as some of the others are a bit boring. Early last week I arranged a date around my working schedule and it seemed relatively easy. It was chilled, and went well but didn’t know what to expect as most women go cold after a date to make this “Decision”.

So a few hours later, she text me and said she’d like to go on another date. Which I didn’t expect. So we arranged, but she gave me a date 3 weeks apart. I gave her like 7 or 8 dates and all of them she was “Busy”.

So we spoke a few times per day, and I’ve been pretty busy and just maintaining that rather than focusing super hard on her. She then went cold turkey for a few days and replied to me less than an hour ago.

But she then dropped the bombshell. I honestly can see this stuff coming now, it’s super predictable. Women (I won’t generalise here) but women from online dating are becoming super calculated and predictable. Either that or age has aged me and I am more experienced.

***So I didn’t even respond to her message which was along the following lines;***

* I don’t want to go cold
* So I thought I’d message you
* I don’t like to do this
* But I feel like our schedules don’t match
* So can’t build a connection
* If you don’t want to reply, that’s fine, but you can if you want.

I stopped reading at that point, because for someone who kept blocking my attempts to get a second date until 3 damn frigging weeks later to then try to throw it all on me and then come up with this 50/50 contrived crap (Which was entirely predictable when she went cold for 3 days) after being with her cousin.

I deleted her number at this point and unfollowed her from Instagram. Would anyone else do this, especially as it’s after one date? I’ve not gained nor lost anything?

Sometimes I keep blaming myself, but these things seem to happen fairly often. But then I see these people are single in the first place and maintain this life cycle they have till they find this “Perfect someone”. I personally put just enough energy to meet, going on dates and being myself. I always arrange a second date if I can, as I think unless they are weird and do drugs or something then I keep my mind open. But always these people follow like a script, I just keep my calm and arrange dates. *They just go elliptical in their orbitals per above.*

Where do I go from here? Lol!

1 comment
  1. Basically you attract/are attracted to women who bread crumb you/keep you as an option or you cause women to behave that way. Do you think maybe you aren’t assertive enough or something?

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