I have many, many, social issues, and I’m pretty sure they all stem from the fact that I don’t currently love myself.

I am an extremely visual, and judgemental person by nature. I’m currently 18 and 5ft 8 200 pounds.

I’ve been on my fitness journey for like 2 weeks now and am doing good.

If I hate myself because I’m fat, will getting fit let me love myself?

Can anyone speak on experience? Thank you.

  1. I thought I would love myself if I was living on my own, had money, was fit, and had the business of my dreams.

    Then I got all of that and still wasn’t “happy”.

    Truth is, you’ll find happiness by looking outside yourself. Help others, volunteer, be of service, hang out with people, eat healthy and move more.

    Tomorrow when you first wake up, write out a list of things your grateful for. Grateful for another day, grateful for your friendships, grateful for a comfortable bed, whatever it is. Get your mind right early, and practicing gratitude is a wonderful place to start.

  2. It will make you feel better in the short term, and if that’s what you have to do, then by all means do it. But then you should work on the other.

  3. Keeping promises to yourself builds trust with yourself and shows you ‘Yes! I CAN do the things I want!’ This is self efficacy. I think it is a cornerstone of self love for sure.

    I don’t think it’s the entirety of it—as things like self reflection and therapy definitely have helped me understand what it means to love yourself.

    You are worthy! You were born worthy! Past, present, and future. Good luck ! 🙂✨

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